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* Services









Markets are globalizing more and more and Buyrs are interested in buying all the Needs from One Committed supplier. We have the capability to supply you with the products that you need or we can assist you on the operational part.

In both cases you would be sure of deliveries at the place and time that you need. Our expert staff will use a variety of specialized sourcing for convincing you.

Some clients know exactly who they want to buy from, in such case; we just handle  perhaps Payment, Inspection and then Import them. But many other clients only know  what they want. They may know of a possible supplier, but are not sure how legitimate  they are, or even if the goods would really turn up, so ask us to source the products too, and check they are getting the best deal.

So we will source a number of appropriate factories, gather a range of prices and details, and put our findings to the client. Then if we both feel comfortable, request a sample,  check the company over, handle the payments, inspections, shipping and delivery to your port.

This is why we are proud to call ourselves Product Sourcing Services - because we do far  more for you than just import products, though delivering to you is no small aspect either.



© copyright 2009-2011 created by Keya.master@gmail.com